Lpu e connect result 2015
Lpu e connect result 2015

lpu e connect result 2015

It is recommended that the maritime faculty members may develop plans to help students have better understanding of each and every lesson of a particular course especially the professional ones. This indicates that there is a significant relationship between year level assessment results and grades. The assessment on the course Machine Shop 1 was found correlated to the students’ grades on Engineering Materials and Machine Shop 1. The Marine Engineering students got the highest grade in Basic Electricity and the least grade in Engineering Materials. The results of the assessment showed that the marine engineering students scored the highest in Machine Shop 1 and scored the least in Engineering Materials. This utilized a descriptive research method with the records of 66 marine engineering students. It also seeks to determine their performances in Basic Electricity, Engineering Materials, and Hand and Measuring tools, to test the significant relationship between year level assessment results and grades in their major subjects, and propose plan of actions base on the results of the study. Specifically, it sought to present the year level assessment results of marine engineering students in the year 2015 – 2016. Reynalda GarciaĪbstract – This research aimed to determine the relationship between year level assessment result and performance of marine engineering students in their major subjects.

lpu e connect result 2015

STATUS OF LPU-B IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARD REQUIRMENS IN MARITIME EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS by Dr.Keywords – conflict management styles, Collaborating, Competing, Compromising, Accommodating, Results form basis of the improvement of the Conflict Management Program for Seafarers. When the conflict is properly managed, conflict maybe a source of novel, creative and innovative ideas which can be potential to promote positive change. However, the most effective management style depends on the conflict situation. Results revealed that the most dominant among the conflict management styles of the groups of respondents is collaborating and the least practiced is the compromising. This focuses on the five conflict management styles namely Collaborating, Competing, Compromising, Accommodating, and Avoiding. Researchers used the standardized and widely used Thomas Kilmann conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) to determine and understand the conflict management approaches of maritime professionals while at work on board the ship. Researchers conducted a survey among Filipino seafarers of different groups – the top management, operations officers and the rank and file by the use of descriptive method of research utilizing the triangulation approach. Abstract – The study anchored on the assessment of the most commonly encountered sources of conflict on board the ship and the conflict management styles among Filipino seafarers.

Lpu e connect result 2015